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Client Portal Instructions

Welcome to the WABC portal! The portal is linked to this email address and is the portal username.

Once your portal is set up you will get an email from CCH (the company that hosts our portal). It will contain information to set up your account.

You will receive notifications to this email address whenever your accountant adds information for you.

You can also upload files and securely send them to us. To do so, once you log into the portal you can hit the blue upload icon and browse your computer to add any files you wish (similar to adding attachments to an email). After you add the files, please select the upload all button in the lower left corner. Once you do, your accountant will get email notifications that files were added for their review.

Please feel free to call us if you need any help navigating the portal. Clients really love the portal and make great use of it to send and receive documents from us.

Link to the portal log in screen: Click Here

You can also access the portal by clicking on the Client Portal link on our new website,

Government Links